Trade Fee

Trade section

Opening Positions:

Users can open positions and make profits in UPS tokens on the platform.

Long Position:

If the token price goes up, the user makes a profit. If the token price goes down, the user incurs a loss.

Short Position:

If the token price goes down, the user makes a profit. If the token price goes up, the user incurs a loss.

After selecting leverage and opening a position, the profit and loss amounts are proportional to the position.

Closing Positions:

After closing a position, the profit will be produced in tokens that traders opening the positions.

Stop Loss/Profit Orders: The trigger order price is a market order and does not guarantee execution at the trigger price.

Trading Fee

When users open positions and close positions, there will be a 0.05% trading fee. 20% of it will reward to the referrer and 80% reward to all UPS holders.

Last updated